Market Size & Trends

In addition to the desktop research of existing databases, we estimate current market value and forecast future value, based on gathering information from interviews with key stakeholders in the industry, while considering micro/macroeconomic and related industry factors.

Business Issue

There is no reliable statistical data for issues like data maintenance delays and accuracy concerns

The quantitative data published does not allow me to understand the market and competitive environment instantly, and I cannot devise a strategy

As it is a niche industry, it is necessary to gather data from scratch, but I don’t know where to start

The local business flow is uncertain, so I don't know where to enter

Lack of in-house know-how on local business practices, competitive environments, and understanding of local consumers

Lack of local industry experts and network

Value Provided

Conducting direct interviews with the leading local players to validate the detailed structure of market size and commercial trends in niche industries that cannot be covered by large databases

In addition to interviews from the perspective of a third party as a consulting firm, proactive information is gathered using approaches such as a potential business partner as well as leveraging on our internal businesses and investment portfolio

Senior consultants perform quality control, reporting, and project management while field surveys are conducted by our in-house survey teams, achieving a cost-effective and high-quality output